Real estate in Saint Aygulf: Arthur Immo
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  • I am interested in a property, but I don't have the funds to buy it yet, I should have them soon. How can I put an option on this property?

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

I am interested in a property, but I don't have the funds to buy it yet, I should have them soon. How can I put an option on this property?

The buyer's rights

If the seller accepts it, it is possible to set up a unilateral promise of sale, between the owner of the property and yourself, who will be the beneficiary of the promise of sale.

The unilateral promise of sale specifies the conditions of the sale:

  • - the property sold and its price,
  • - the period of time during which the beneficiary of the promise can say if he/she buys the property,
  • - the immobilization indemnity paid by the beneficiary to the seller. It cannot exceed 10% of the sale price,
  • - thereal estate agent's commission, if the sale is completed,
  • - the particular conditions of the sale...

The unilateral promise of sale is signed by the seller and the beneficiary. The seller undertakes to sell the property to the beneficiary. The beneficiary has a time limit allowing him to say if he buys the property or not.

  • - If the beneficiary does not buy the property, he or she regains his or her freedom, and so does the seller. However, since the seller has tied up the property for him for a certain period of time, he retains the earnest money as compensation.
  • - If he buys the property, the immobilization indemnity becomes a deposit: it constitutes part of the sale price.

Attention: the unilateral promise of sale must be registered, within 10 days of its signature, at the tax office of the place where the property is located. If it is not registered, it is null and void and cannot produce any effect.